CTK Well Child Policy
Please do not bring a child with any of these symptoms to church:
-Fever over 100.4 (currently or within the last 24 hours)
-Vomiting or diarrhea (currently or within the last 24 hours)
-Childhood Diseases (Chicken Pox, Mumps, Measles, etc.)
-Runny nose that is not clear
-Persistent dry cough/shortness of breath
-A new loss of taste or smell
-Body aches/headaches
-Cold Sore
-Sore throat
-Unexplained rash
-Uncovered cuts
-Skin/eye infections
If your child exhibits any of these conditions while in our care, we will contact you and request that you take your child home.
Thank you for helping us work towards a healthy environment for everyone. If your child is not able to join us, we hope to see him or her again soon!